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Good to know.

If you're keen to learn more, here are some excellent resources. Happy travels!

As always, try your local, independent bookseller first. Your support matters.

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Elly's Everyday

Got questions? This is my favourite place to find answers. Elly has the very best videos - for everything wholegrain, sourdough, home milling and soap making. Her instructions are super clear, she's a genius at keeping it simple, and she's one of the loveliest people ever. Not surprisingly, her Members Group is filled with creative, good people doing excellent things. 

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The Miller's Daughter

by Emma Zimmerman. Tells the fabulous story of Emma and her father, Jeff's, adventure restarting a mill. Excellent wholegrain recipes with lots of heritage grains. Hayden Flour Mills is high on my wish list of places to visit in the US.

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The Rye Baker

by Stanley Ginsberg. Otherwise known as The Rye Bible. The recipes are fabulous, but I think the best bit is the insight into the cultural traditions and history of rye baking. What's the difference between traditional rye breads in Sweden vs Finland? Ask Stanley. He knows.

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River Cottage gluten free

by Naomi Devlin. Yes, I've watched every episode of River Cottage. I'm a huge fan of Hugh's work - everything from sourcing food with care, to minimising waste and protecting elephants.

I think I've made almost half the recipes in this book. Naomi is brilliant. A particularly good place to start if you want to make excellent gltuten-free pastry.

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Books for Cooks

I think books, especially cookbooks, are special... rather like friends - sometimes quirky, other times rude, but almost always something to learn from. I doubt anyone in Australia knows more about cookbooks than Tim and Amanda. And if they do, they probably won't sell you their books with the same lovely approach.  

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A Handful of Flour

by Tess Lister. Recipes from Shipton Mill ' not simply a book of recipes but, like Shipton Mill itself, is grounded in the belief that flour matters. A simple ingredient which, if chosen and treated with care, can make all the difference.' Couldn't have said it better. If you need any inspiration, just have a look at the link to Shipton Mills. I'm ready to book a flight. :-) 

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Promise & Fulfillment

by Chris Stafferton. Incredible resource for making real bread without gluten. Detailed instructions for mastering gluten-free baking.


Emma Galloway – My Darling Lemon Thyme has been my go-to source of great, reliable gluten-free vegetarian recipes. I have all her books. They are well-thumbed and filled with post-it notes. Well worth looking at Tipu - her Members Group.

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All Day Baking

by Michael & Pippa James. Two Legends in the baking world. Not just for their excellent baking skills, but for their incredible support of others in the industry.

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Alternative Baker

by Alanna Taylor-Tobin. I've been inspired by Alana's blog for some time now, so was delighted to find that she also has a cookbook filled with gluten-free recipes. She uses an excellent range of different flours and has lovely clear instructions.

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The Viking in the Wheat Field

by Susan Dworkin. A fascinating insight into the world of genebanks and the history of wheat breeding. There are heroes and villains, but most importantly, an insight into why seeds matter so much to all of us.

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